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Working on the neck of the rat, with all its details, I really wonder how most researchers don’t make mistakes (or do they?) while conducting their research. I’m used to work with scientific papers, it’s part of my job, but I find it very hard to find reliable visual representations of the anatomy other than humans.
And if I do find them, it’s mostly bad drawings (read: bad interpretations) of microscopic slides. Before you research something, shouldn’t you first really know how an average anatomy structure looks and how common a specific deviation is?

Yes, this is a plea for more accurate 3d anatomy models. Right now the level of (modeling) applications is so good, it is doable to make not only really accurate models on the detail level, but one would also be able to make applications that can show the deviations within that same model without getting lost.
The Sketchfab model you see here is still a work in progress. When done with this specific section of the rat anatomy I will build an interactive accessible application around it, so every detail, anatomical object can be seen in full *with* additional data.

A 3d model of the vertebrae of the neck of Rattus norvegicus with a lot of the accompanying structures. Still a work in progress, it will be updated in this slot.
Mieke Roth

Author Mieke Roth

Animal scientist/scientific visualizer, @Sketchfab certified partner #VaccinesWork I make animal anatomy look so cool, you can't wait to know more!

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